Conference Excursion

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To offer a unique opportunity for all international participants, the conference has been organized to include pre- and post-conference field excursion programs in both Nepal and Bangladesh, as outlined below.

Khumbu Glacier and Kalaththar area.
Kathmandu Durbar Square – Reconstructed after the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake.
Bhaktapur Durbar Square – A Traditional Heritage Site of Nepal.
Expanding city in Kathmandu Valley.
Flyover construction in Balambu area. (Photo: Setopati)
Kulekhani hydropower dam reserrvoir at Markhu.
Mugling to Pokhara Road Project – under construction with slope failures occurring during the 2024 monsoon season.
Pokhara International Airport (Photo: theHRM)
Map of Eastern Nepal highlighting key excursion locations. The flight from Kathmandu to Bhadrapur Airport takes approximately 55 minutes on an ATR-72-500 aircraft.
Bhadrapur Airport, Jhapa, east Nepal.
Kanyam Tea State, Ilam (Photo: Wonders of Nepal)
Kanyam, queen of eastern Nepal.
The Padma Multipurpose Bridge stands as a landmark engineering structure in Bangladesh.
Top: Connecting Road of the Karnaphuli Tunnel and Bottom: Karnaphuli Tunnel

Select field excursion as per your interest during registration and you can pay fee either online or on registration desk at venue after July 30, 2025 only. Fee structure of Field Excursion is as follows: