Conference Theme

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The IAEG Bangladesh National Group (IBNG) and the Nepal Society of Engineering Geology (NSEG), have planned for the main theme of the congress as “Geological Engineering for Societal and Sustainable Development”.

We welcome session proposals depending on these themes. Please submit online or contact to submit proposal: or

Sub-themes of the congress include:

  1. Engineering Geology and Geological Engineering for sustainable development
    1.1 Geological Engineering from theory to practice
    1.2 Engineering Geological Modeling
    1.3 Geoethics in Engineering Geological Investigation
    1.4 Case Studies for Engineering Geological Investigation
    1.5 New Technology and Equipment for Engineering Geology
    1.6 Geoparks and Disaster Museums for Sustainable Development
  2. Neotectonics
    2.1 Active Fault and associated earthquakes
    2.2 Himalayan Tectonics
    2.3 Crustal Dynamics and Recent Earthquake Sources
  3. Landslides
    3.1 Landslides, Debris Flows, and Rock Fall
    3.2 Landslide Hazard and Risk Evaluation
    3.3 Landslide Risk Reduction
    3.4 Slope Stability
    3.5 Urbanization on Mountain Slopes
    3.6 Rock Slope Failure
    3.7 Snow and Debris Avalanche
    3.8 Cut slope failures
  4. Hydro-climatic and Geological hazards in Developing Countries
    4.1 Flood Hazards
    4.2 Volcanic Hazards
    4.3 Tsunami Hazards
    4.4 Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs)
  5. Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering
    5.1 Foundation Engineering
    5.2 Ground Improvement Techniques
    5.3 Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
    5.4 Soft Ground Treatments
    5.5 Transportation Geotechniques
    5.6 Earth Retaining Structures
    5.7 Stability Analyses
    5.8 Physical Properties of Soils
    5.9 Physico-chemical Environment of Soils
    5.10 Geotechnical Modeling
    5.11 Uses of Geopolymers in Geotech and Geo-Environment
    5.12 Geo-Environmental Issues
  6. Water and Environmental Engineering
    6.1 Water Resources and Watershed Management
    6.2 Wastewater Treatment and Water Purification
    6.3 Water Pollution in River, Lake and Coastal Area
  7. Urban Geology, Urban Planning and Management – Engineering geological perspective
    7.1 Environmental Assessment for Urban Development
    7.2 Urban Design and Development Planning
    7.3 Transportation Planning for Sustainable Development
  8. Engineering Hydrogeology and Management
    8.1 Groundwater Management
    8.2 Groundwater and Land Subsidence
    8.3 Groundwater Monitoring and Restoration
    8.4 Fractured Rock Hydrology
  9. Tunneling and Role of Rock Mechanics in Developing Countries
    9.1 Hard rock tunneling Issues and Development
    9.2 Soft ground Tunneling Issues and Development
    9.3 Rock Mechanics and Behaviours of Discontinuities in Hard Terrain
  10. Remote Sensing and Geodesy
    10.1 Remote Sensing and Geodesy in Geological Applications
    10.2 Remote Sensing and Geodesy in Geotech/Geo-Environment
    10.3 Remote Sensing and Geodesy in Water/Coastal Management
    10.4 Remote Sensing and Geodesy in Urban Planning and Waste Management
  11. Seismic Hazards, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Analysis
    11.1 Engineering Geological and Geotechnical Consequences
    11.2 Earthquake Engineering and Ground Response
    11.3 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics
    11.4 Retrofitting Structures
    11.5 Structural Damages and Fatigues in Structures
    11.6 Future of Himalayan Earthquake
    11.7 Earthquake-Induced Landslide
    11.8 Seismic hazard analysis
    11.9 Earthquake Safe Buildings in Developing Countries
  12. Consequences of Geo-Disasters and Disaster Risk Management
    12.1 Seismic consequences in infrastructure
    12.2 Seismic consequences in Social Welfare and Mental Trauma
    12.3 Effects of Flooding/Tsunami/Storm in Infrastructures
    12.4 Effects of Flooding/Tsunami/Storm in Social Welfare and Mental Trauma
    12.5 Volcanic Disasters and Management
    12.6 Landslide Risk Management
    12.7 Disaster Risk Reduction
    12.8 Disaster Risk Resilience and Disaster Management
    12.9 Engineering Geologists in Risk Communication
  13. Dimension Stones and Quarry Sites
    13.1 Reserves and Utilization of Dimension Stones
    13.2 Construction materials and aggregates for developing countries
    13.3 Disposal of Mine Wastes and Mine Tail
  14. The role of women in development of engineering geology
  15. Climate change and related geopolitics
  16. Landfill engineering and solid waste management
  17. The Training and Education in Engineering Geology
    17.1 Communication and education based on the knowledge of engineering geology
    Session Convener: Prof. Dr. Atsuko Nonomura and Prof. Dr. Shuichi Hasegawa, Kagawa University, Japan
    17.2 Global Engineering Geology Education – present and future directions
  18. Asian Monsoon, Climate & Climate-Induced Hazards in the Asia & Pacific Region
    Session Convener
    : Prof. Dr. Toru Terao, Kagawa University, Japan
  19. Engineering Geology for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development
  20. AI in Engineering Geology